You can assign specific rates to a client. When you set a rate schedule, it will be automatically suggested when creating invoices. However, you can override this on a per-project basis in the project details. In that case, the project's default rate schedule will be suggested instead.
Setting a Rate Schedule from a Project Profile
Navigate to Client on the sidebar
Select the Projects tab
Select the project you would like to apply a rate schedule to
Scroll to the Billing Section.
Select a rate schedule from the drop-down in the Rate Schedule Override
Click Save
Setting Rate Schedule for Specific Projects from a Rate Schedule
This rate schedule will override the rate schedule that you may have set up for the Client.
Navigate to Billing on the sidebar
Select Rate Schedules tab
Choose the desired Rate Schedule
Click Project Drop-down
Select the desired Project/s
Click Save
Setting a Rate Schedule from the Client Profile
Navigate to Client on the sidebar
Select the Client you would like to apply the Rate Schedule to
Scrolled down to the Billing Section in the client's profile
Select the rate schedule from the drop-down menu
Click Save
Setting Rate Schedule for Specific Client from a Rate Schedule
Navigate to Billing on the sidebar
Select Rate Schedules tab
Choose the desired Rate Schedule
Click Client Drop-down (these are divided into Clients without rate schedules and Clients with rate schedules)
Select the desired Client/s
Click Save