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Billing Permits

This article goes through how to generate an invoice for a Permit.

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Written by Traffio
Updated over a week ago

Getting Started

Before being able to invoice the Permit, the Permit issuer must be properly set up with an item classification and added to the rate schedule that the Client or Project are billed with.

How to Invoice Permits

Once a Permit is created within the system, similar to bookings it will flow through the billing section in Traffio. The details of the Client and Project selected for the permit will flow through to this invoice as well as any Purchase/Client Job numbers.

  1. Navigate to the Billing section

  2. Select the Billable Permits tab

  3. Scroll and find the Permit you're invoicing

  4. Click Create Invoice on Permit

  5. A pop-up similar to creating invoices for bookings will appear, here you'll be able to make sure it's using the correct rate schedule and cost centre

  6. Create

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