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Create a Form

How to create, edit and publish your forms.

Traffio avatar
Written by Traffio
Updated over 2 months ago

Getting Started

Forms within the software are used to capture, track, and manage essential information related to bookings, employees, or specific operations. These forms can be customised to meet your business' needs and help ensure that all necessary data is collected efficiently. Whether it's a safety checklist, SWMS form, or aftercare, these forms can be integrated into the system to streamline workflows. Testing these forms with real or dummy data before going live ensures they are functioning properly, allowing you to capture accurate information and minimize errors in your processes.

Creating a draft form

When creating a form, you first select the details, which determine its availability and any notifications that will be sent when the form is completed. This helps ensure the form is accessible to the right people and that relevant parties are notified when it's submitted.

  1. Navigate to Forms on the side bar (This will open up all the forms and for every form listed, it will also highlight which revision is currently active)

  2. Select +New

  3. Fill Out the Form Details (you can also choose to use a generic form template or if you leave it empty it will need to be created from scratch)

  4. Choose the Availability of the form (this is who the form is visible to and then who is sent notifications when the form is filled out. You can also make this form mandatory or not)

  5. Click Create

  6. A few extra tabs labelled "Revisions", "Submissions" and "Answers" will have appeared

  7. Click Revisions tab (You will see the form in draft status)

  8. Select the Revision (this will open up the form to edit and add contents)

Inserting new form elements

Once a draft form is created, you can begin adding and building out the elements, such as text fields, checklists, or signatures, to capture the necessary information. This allows you to customize the form according to your specific requirements.

  1. Click Insert displayed underneath a form element

  2. Choose the type of element you want

  3. Fill in questions or information

  4. Select if you want to make it mandatory to answer

    (For checking lists elements you're able to apply tags or enable notifications if certain answers are given)

Changing the order of the form elements

Form elements can be rearranged by using the up and down buttons on the left side of each element. This allows you to adjust the order of the fields easily to match the desired flow of the form.

Note: These are only visible in Draft mode

Cloning Form Elements

Cloning a form element is useful when you need to replicate a question or field with similar options. For example, if you have a multiple-choice question with "Yes," "No," and "N/A" as possible answers, cloning allows you to quickly duplicate the element without having to recreate it from scratch. This saves time and ensures consistency across the form.

Click the blue Clone button on the right-hand side of the element.

(A clone of the element will be added underneath and will have “[clone]” added at the back of its title to make it easier to identify)

Deleting Form Elements

To completely remove a form element from the revision, click on the red Rubbish Bin button on the right-hand side of the element.

Changes to revisions are only saved once you press the “Save” button in the bar across the top of the screen

Linking forms to bookings and resources

Traffio automatically captures several key details for each form submission made through the app:

  • The date and time when the form submission was started

  • The location from which the form submission was started* (only available if the user grants location permissions)

  • The author of the form submission

  • The booking and specific resource (if applicable) the form submission relates to

  • The time at which the form was submitted to the office

  • The location from which the form was submitted* (only available if the user grants location permissions)

*Location data is only captured if the user has granted permission for the app to access Location Services. The app will prompt the user for this permission the first time it attempts to collect this information, and will continue to request permission each time until granted.

Publishing and activating a revision

Revisions begin in Draft mode, allowing you to make as many changes as needed without impacting what is visible to users in the field. While in Draft mode, you can adjust and refine the revision without it being seen or affecting the live system. Once you're satisfied with the changes, you can publish the revision to make it active and visible to users.

  1. Click the Publish button across the top

  2. Click the Activate button

From this moment onward, the revision is locked.

If you would like to make changes to an existing published revision, open it up and click on the “New revision” button across the top.

This will create a new draft copy that you can make changes to

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