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Access Levels and Permissions

This article goes over how roles and access work in Traffio and how to set users' access levels.

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Written by Traffio
Updated over 2 months ago

Getting Started

Access levels and permissions in Traffio determine what users can see and do within the system, ensuring that sensitive information and critical functions are only accessible to those with the appropriate authority.

List of Roles Explained

What is a role?

Roles define the level of access within Traffio, determining which areas of the software a user can access and limiting their ability to make changes.

There are four types of roles in Traffio.

By default, all newly created users are assigned the "Traffic Controller" role.


Administrators have access to the web browser, the ability to modify access levels and permissions, and the authority to grant employees access to the Estimated Revenue report.


Managers have access to the web browser and are also able to modify access levels and permissions within the system.

Office Staff

Office staff have access to the web browser and can manage billing functions, depending on their permissions. However, they do not have the ability to modify access levels or permissions.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Creating bookings

  • Creating people

  • Creating clients

Traffic Controller

The "Traffic Controller" is the default role assigned to new users. This role only provides access to the Traffio App and is intended for employees who are receiving and managing shifts.

List of Permissions

Permissions allow Office Staff and Manager roles to access specific areas of Traffio, making it easier to limit a person's access to certain functionalities based on their role. This helps ensure that users only have access to the features necessary for their responsibilities.

General Permissions

Read Only

If selected, this user will not be able to edit, create, or delete records in Traffio.

Payroll Access

The user will have access to all payroll-related functionalities.

Create Clients

The user will have the ability to create clients.

Move Booking

The user will have the ability to change the depot to which a booking is assigned.

Availability and Leave Type Access

The user will have the ability to create, update, and delete availability and leave types.

Leave approval access

If selected, this user will have the ability to approve or reject leave submitted by workers.

Vehicle Permissions

Vehicle Access

The user will have the ability to create, update and delete vehicles.

Move Vehicles

The user will have the ability to change the depot to which a vehicle is assigned.

Skill Permissions

Skill Access

The ability to create, update and delete skills.

Add Project Skills

The ability to add the required skills to a project.

Remove Project Skills

The ability to remove the required skills from a project.

HR Permissions

Depot Group Access

This user will have the ability to change a person's depot group, as well as create and edit existing depot groups. With this action enabled, the user will always be able to see all depots.

Employment Status & Data Access

This user will have the ability to modify people's employment status and employment dates.

Person HR Notes Access

This user will have the ability to access and create HR-related notes for individuals.

Person HR Files Access

This user will have the ability to access and upload HR-related files for individuals.

Person Social Inclusions

This user will have the ability to access and modify people's social inclusions, gender, and pronouns.

Flare HR Access

This permission is related to Flare HR access. If selected, the user will have access to employee payroll details and HR resources.

Billing Permissions

Billing Access

The user will have access to all billing features and functionality.

Read Invoice

The user will be able to view invoices without having full access to billing features.

Read Rate Schedules

The user will be able to view rate schedules from the client details screen without having full access to billing features.

Item Classification Access

This user will have the ability to create, update and delete item classifications.

Resource Access

This user will have the ability to create, update and delete resources.

Change Finalised Invoices and Credit Notes

The user will have the ability to modify finalized invoices.

Override Invoice Branding

This user will have the ability to override the branding on specific invoices, typically used for internal charges.

'Show all' Booking Requirements Access

This user will have the ability to add requirements to a booking that are not included in the rate schedule.

Create Credit Notes

This user will have the ability to create credit notes.

Financial Reporting Permissions

Estimated Revenue Report Access

This user can access the estimated revenue report.

This can only be enabled by people with the Administrator access level.

Form Permissions

Create forms

The ability to create new forms.

Update Forms

The ability to amend and update form revisions.

Delete Forms

The ability to delete forms from the system

Procurement Menus

These menus allow you to control the amount of information a person can access. The options are designed to progressively show less information, tailored for Procurement and Site Engineers to create Traffic Management Requests.

Changing User Access Level

  1. Navigate to Admin on the sidebar

  2. Select the Access Levels tab

  3. Choose the person whose access you would like to change

  4. Select the role

  5. Read through the list of permissions and switch on which ones you would like to enable

  6. Click Update

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