In addition to payroll, Traffio offers a billing integration with Xero, where invoices are generated within Traffio and pushed up to Xero. You can then choose whether to send invoices to clients from Xero, or from directly within Traffio.
To make the integration work, Traffio grabs the following information from Xero:
Chart of Accounts - this gives you the ability to link each billable item in Traffio to a specific account in Xero. Traffio's generated invoice line items then automatically link to the right account, allowing you to do detailed reporting in Xero.
Contacts - which are equivalent to Traffio's Clients. Xero requires each invoice to have a contact, so we use this to make sure your invoices are coded against the correct ones.
Items - allowing you to code every calculated rate (for every billable item) in Traffio to a specific code in Xero. This allows for further detailed reporting.
Getting Started
To start integrating your billing with Xero, please follow the steps below.
Note: you can only do this when your Traffio account has access to billing. Contact your manager if you do not have this access when you are supposed to. They will be able to grant you access through the access levels.
How to set up your invoice cost centre
Navigate to Billing on the left tab bar
Select Invoice Cost Centres
Click +New to create a new cost centre
Set the Accounting Package to Xero
select Invoice cost centre rules that are applicable
Press Create
A Connect to Xero button that will appear, when selected it will open Xero's login screen in a new browser tab.
βIf the new tab does not open automatically, your browser likely prevented it from happening. Please check if there is a pop-up blocked icon on the far-right of your browser's address bar, and click on it to allow pop-ups. Then push the Connect to Xero button again.Follow the instructions on Xero's login screen. You have to select which organisation in your account you would like to link to Traffio, and press Continue. If you have already previously given Traffio access to the organisation, you can simply press the Continue with 1 organisation button.
You will be brought back to Traffio, which will automatically initiate a sync with Xero. This will pull in all the relevant billing details from Xero. The Connect to Xero button will be replaced with a Disconnect from Xero button, allowing you to terminate the integration at any point in time.
βYour invoice cost centre is now linked to your Xero account. The next steps are to:
match your contacts, and
optionally set up your item codes.