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Billing with Xero

Introduction to billing with Xero

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Written by Traffio
Updated this week

In addition to payroll, Traffio provides a billing integration with Xero, allowing invoices to be generated within Traffio and automatically pushed to Xero. You can then decide whether to send invoices to clients directly from Xero or from within Traffio.

For the integration to work, Traffio pulls the following information from Xero:

  • Chart of Accounts: This allows you to link each billable item in Traffio to a specific account in Xero. The invoice line items generated in Traffio will automatically connect to the correct account for detailed reporting in Xero.

  • Contacts: These correspond to Traffio's Clients. Xero requires each invoice to have a contact, and this ensures that your invoices are assigned to the correct clients.

  • Items: This lets you map every calculated rate in Traffio (for each billable item) to a specific code in Xero, enabling more detailed reporting.

Starting the Integration for Billing

To begin integrating your billing with Xero, please follow the steps below:

Note: You can only proceed with this if your Traffio account has billing access. If you do not have this access, please contact your manager, who can grant you access through the access levels.

  1. Navigate to Billing on the sidebar

  2. Select Invoice Cost Centres tab

  3. Click +New

  4. Set the Accounting Package to Xero

  5. Select Invoice Cost Centre Rules that are applicable

  6. Click Create

  7. Click the Connect to Xero button (this will open Xero's login screen in a new browser tab)

    ​If the new tab doesn't open automatically, your browser may have blocked it. Look for a pop-up block icon on the right side of your browser's address bar and click it to allow pop-ups. Then, click the "Connect to Xero" button again.

  8. ollow the instructions on Xero's Login Screen

  9. Select which organisation in your account you would like to link to Traffio,

  10. Press Continue (If you have already previously given Traffio access to the organisation, you can simply press the Continue with 1 organisation button)

  11. You will be redirected back to Traffio, where it will automatically sync with Xero and pull in the necessary payroll details (the "Connect to Xero" button will change to "Disconnect from Xero," giving you the option to end the integration at any time)

​Your invoice cost centre is now linked to your Xero account.

The next steps are to:

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