To have access to changing configurations, you will need Administrator or Manager level access. You can learn more about roles, access levels and permissions here.
Invoicing Configurations
Always display travel time charges on rate schedules
Normally only visible when "Charge travel time for STS/non-STS crew" are turned on, this config will make travel time rates always visible on rate schedules.
βInvoice email background colour
Desired background colour to use in email template.
If you are using Traffio to send out invoices, you can change the colour scheme of the invoicing to help suit your branding.
Default colour is Fawn
Available Colours:
| Light green-A400 |
| Fawn- (default) |
| Indigo-500 |
| Blue-grey-300 |
| Grey-600 |
| Brown-300 |
| Green-900 |
| Deep-purple-a100 |
| Green-500 |
| Lime-800 |
| Deep Purple-500 |
| Pink-800 |
| Cyran-800 |
| Pink-500 |
| Cyan-500 |
| Purple-700 |
| Brown-800 |
| Red-800 |
| Blue-Grey-700 |
| Pink-200 |
| Blue-Grey-500 |
| Deep Orange-500 |
| Brown-500 |
| Amber-800 |
| Blue-200 |
| Amber -500 |
| Yellow-A200 |
Invoice email text colour
Desired text colour to use on top of the background colour in email template