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Setting up a pay region
Setting up a pay region

Learn how to set different pay rates for different pay regions

Kat McDevitt avatar
Written by Kat McDevitt
Updated over a week ago

Pay regions allow you to set different pay rates for when a persons job specialisation has different rates depending on region or state.

Getting started

To set up pay regions, you will need access to the payroll section of Traffio. If you do not have access, get in touch with your Traffio administrator.

You will also need to set up your payroll categories related to the region you are setting up. You can learn how to set up payroll categories here.

Setting up pay regions

  1. Navigate to the payroll page on the left-hand side

  2. Select pay regions on the top toolbar

  3. Click + new, then Give the rate a name the description.

  4. press Create

  5. Once your region is created, go to Specialisation on the right hand corner. This is where you set up the payroll category for the Specialisation in this pay Region.

  6. Click into the Specialisations and then select its payroll category

  7. save

Linking a page region to a depot

Once you set your pay region, you need to apply it to the depot that the region applies to.

  1. Navigate to My Company on the sidebar

  2. Click Depots on the top toolbar

  3. Select the depot you want to apply to the region

  4. Go to the Pay Region section and select the Pay region that applies to the depot

  5. Save

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