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Guides to help you set up payroll, payroll integrations and payroll earnings
Setting up your payroll
Payroll cost centre terminology
Syncing your employees to your payroll software
Payroll Categories
Creating a Pay Run
Setting up pay rates by specialisation
Setting up a pay region
Payroll Trouble Shooting
Setting up Employment Hero Payroll (formerly KeyPay) to Traffio
Two-stage payroll upgrade
Payroll Cost Centre - EBA rules
EBA Overview
Start and finish shift configuration
Timeframe (Traditional Award)
Timeframe (Modern Award)
Week breakdown (Traditional Award)
Payable Hours (Traditional Award)
Payable Hours (Modern Award)
Payable Hours (Flat Rate Award)
Payroll Shift types (Traditional Award)
Payroll Shift types (Modern Award)
Shift Split Options (Traditional Award)
Alternate Shift Options (Traditional Award)
Payroll category overrides