Traffio has the ability to generate pay runs using the hours submitted via the dockets and interpreting your payroll rules set up in your cost centre. These pay runs are then able to be pushed into your connected accounting software timesheet section to be paid. This pay run does not deal in the monetary value of the pay but rather calculates the hours of ordinary, overtime, allowances, etc that the employee is entitled to during that pay period and sends it to your accounting software.
Getting Started
Before you're able to create a pay run you must first set up your payroll cost centre and assign that cost centre to your depots.
Creating a Pay run
Navigate to Payroll on the left-hand side tab bar
This will open up the pay runs page.
Click +New
Select the Payroll Cost Centre from the drop-down list
Select the pay period you wish to generate a pay run for
Select Create
The pay run will pull in all the jobs completed during that period from the depots using that payroll cost centre.
Payrun Warnings
Docket Warnings
The Clock symbol means that there is no docket submitted for that job and the hours showing on the pay run are those of the booking details, these may not be the actual hour's worked.
The Pencil symbol means that there has been a docket submitted but it has not been signed off on.
Employee warnings
Not Matched
If this appears next to an employees name on a pay run, it means that the employee is not matched within the payroll cost centre. This matching matches the employees Traffio profile to their profile within the accounting software.
Employee missing a particular earning rate
The employee within your accounting software has not had that particular earning rate attached to their profile
Employees Payroll category does not match the cost centres calendar
The employee is being paid on a different schedule than what's set up in the cost centre. This is a matter of changing it within their accounting software profile or changing the payment schedule in the cost centre.
Missing Payroll Category
The employee does not have a default payroll category assigned to them. This default payroll category tells the system the lowest category that hat they will be paid for a job.