Traffio can generate pay runs based on the hours submitted through dockets and the payroll rules set in your cost centre. These pay runs are then sent to your connected accounting software's timesheet section for payment. The pay run focuses on calculating hours for regular time, overtime, allowances, etc., rather than the monetary value, and transfers this information to your accounting software.
Before creating a pay run, you need to set up your payroll cost centre and assign it to your depots. Learn how to set up your payroll here.
How To Create a Pay Run
Navigate to Payroll on the sidebar
Ensure you are on the Pay Runs tab
Click +New
Select the Payroll Cost Centre from the drop-down list
Select the desired Pay Period
Click Create
The pay run will collect all jobs completed during that period from the depots linked to the payroll cost centre.
Pay Run Warnings
Docket Warnings
The clock symbol indicates that no docket has been submitted for the job, and the hours displayed on the pay run are based on the booking details, which may not reflect the actual hours worked.
The pencil symbol means a docket has been submitted, but it has not been signed off.
Employee Warnings
Not Matched
If this appears next to an employee's name on a pay run, it means the employee is not matched to the payroll cost centre. This match links the employee's Traffio profile to their profile in the accounting software.
Employee Missing a Particular Earning Rate
The employee in your accounting software does not have that specific earning rate assigned to their profile.
Employees Payroll Category Does Not Match the Cost Centres Calendar
The employee is on a different payment schedule than what’s set up in the cost centre. You can resolve this by updating their profile in the accounting software or adjusting the payment schedule in the cost centre.
Missing Payroll Category
The employee does not have a default payroll category assigned. This category determines the minimum pay rate they will receive for a job.
How To Exclude Employees From a Pay Run
If you have people working a shift onsite who don't need their timesheets included in a pay run, such as salaried employees or owners, here's how to exclude them from the pay run:
Navigate to People on the sidebar
Select the desired Employee
Toggle on Exclude from Pay Runs
Click Save
Note: You can only exclude people from a pay run if you have the necessary permissions. You must be an office worker, manager, or administrator with payroll access permission. Learn more about access levels here.