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Fuel Cards

This article explains how to use Traffio to manage and track vehicle-related cards

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Written by Traffio
Updated over 2 months ago

If you need to track fuel cards or other vehicle-related accounts assigned to your vehicles, Traffio offers two dedicated sections—'Cards' and 'Card Providers'—located in the 'Vehicles' area of the web portal.

Card Providers

Card Providers are the companies which provide the fuel card or account - e.g. BP, Shell, etc. In more general terms, they group similar cards or accounts together.

You can create various card providers and name them according to your preferences to better manage your vehicle accounts. Additionally, you can set an 'Expiry Warning Period' for each provider, which determines when warning statuses will appear in the 'cards' view, alerting you to upcoming card or account expirations.


Cards refer to the fuel cards assigned to vehicles, but they can also represent any type of vehicle-related account, such as toll road passes or fleet tracking accounts, that can be managed through the card functionality.

Each card record can include an expiry date, which will be highlighted in the 'Status' column of the card table view. You can customise when expiry warnings appear by adjusting the 'Expiry Warning Period' field in the corresponding card provider record.

You can also view a vehicle's assigned cards from the 'Cards' tab on the individual vehicle page.

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