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Form Availability
Form Availability

This article goes through the different form availability

Traffio avatar
Written by Traffio
Updated over 2 months ago

When forms are mandatory, it's crucial to ensure the correct number of submissions are received. Some forms need to be completed once per booking, while others may need to be filled out for each vehicle, worker, or other factors. This is determined by the "Available (for)" field in the form's Overview tab.

Setting Form Availability When Creating:

  1. Select + New

  2. Under Availability, select desired availability from the dropdown

  3. If form has 'One Submission Per' drop down, select the resource desired

  4. Click Save

Change Existing Forms Availability

  1. Select the desired Form

  2. Under Availability, select desired availability from the dropdown

  3. If form has 'One Submission Per' drop down, select the resource desired

  4. Click Save

Needing one form submission for each person, vehicle or equipment on the job:

  1. Change Available (for) to Bookings with specific resources;

  2. Nominate each resource that the form should be filled out for/by.
    For example, if every worker is required to complete a Worksite Assessment form, you could select the Spotter and Traffic Controller resources, or any other ones you may be using. The mobile app will then scan the booking for allocated Spotters and Traffic Controllers, and will require that an assessment is done for each person.
    For a Vehicle Pre-start Check form, you could nominate the Ute, TMA and Cone Truck resources. The app similarly scans the booking for Utes, TMAs and Cone Trucks, and requires that a form is filled out for each. Your own custom resources work just as well, as long as they can be allocated to a booking.

If you simply need at least one submission per booking:

  1. Change Available (for) to either Every booking, or Bookings for chosen depots, clients and projects.
    For example, if you have a Worksite Assessment form, the app will require that at least one is submitted. It does not matter who completes the form, as long as it is done.

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