You can assign mandatory or required skills to bookings at the company, depot, client, and project levels.
Before applying skills to a company, depot, client, or project, you must first create the skills in Traffio. Click here to learn more.
Setting Up Company Required Skills
Navigate to My Company on the sidebar
Scroll down to Human Resources
Select the desired Skills from the dropdown
Click Save
Setting Up Depot Required Skills
Navigate to My Company on the sidebar
Select the Depots tab
Select the desired Depot
Scroll down to Skill & Induction Requirements
Select the desired Skills from the dropdown
Click Save
Setting Up Client Required Skills
Navigate to Clients on the sidebar
Select the desired Client
Scroll down to Skill & Induction Requirements
Select the desired Skills from the dropdown
Click Save
Setting Up Project Required Skills
Navigate to Clients on the sidebar
Select the Projects tab
Select the desired Project
Scroll down to Skill & Induction Requirements
Select the desired Skills from the dropdown
Select the desired Vehicle Inductions from the dropdown
Click Save