Create Tags

This article goes through how to create, apply and filter through Tags.

Kat McDevitt avatar
Written by Kat McDevitt
Updated over a week ago

Tags are a great way to quickly identify or categorise a group of people, items or assets in your system.

There are multiple ways you can take advantage of the tagging tool. Once an asset, person or item has a tag, you can use the filtering tools in Traffio to find that resource quicker, use that tag as a reporting tool or create notifications for people with those tags.

Creating a Tag

  1. Navigate to the admin page

  2. Click the tags tab

  3. +New

  4. Give the tag a name, description and identification colour

  5. Select what area the tag applies to

  6. Save

Applying a Tag

  1. Navigate to where you want your tag to apply ie Equipment, People or Vehicle.

  2. Select the resource you want the tag to apply to

  3. Scroll through the overview of that resource to the tag section

    Example in People

    Example in Vehicles

  4. Choose the tag

  5. Save

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