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Create a Booking

This article goes over how to create and manage a booking.

Traffio avatar
Written by Traffio
Updated over a week ago

Getting Started

Bookings allow you to schedule your equipment, people, and vehicles. This guide explains how to create, manage and navigate bookings. It covers how to filter resources by specific criteria, update availability, and adjust start and finish times. Bookings can also provide warnings for conflicts, such as when resources are unavailable or when there are insufficient resources for a job, helping you avoid scheduling issues.

How to Create a Booking

  1. Click on Bookings on the sidebar

  2. Select +New

  3. Fill in Client, Project and Site Contacts

  4. Select the Booking Start Time and enter the Depot Meeting Time (time that your employees need to meet at the depot) if its different to start time.

    The booking will automatically create an approximate end time.

6. Set the Main Address of the booking- Move the Marker for an accurate location

(You can also Add notes about the location. In this section, you have the option to add Mobile Works)

7. Enter Booking Requirements (rate items) needed for the booking

8. Click Create

Adding Resources to your booking

Depending on your booking requirements, you will need to add resources to your bookings. A resource can be a person, vehicle or piece of equipment. You need to choose your resource from the list of available resources to add them to a booking.

How to add a resource to a booking

  1. Select the Booking

  2. Click Details

  3. Select the Resources tab

  4. Add the Resources you require (People, Vehicles, Equipment etc.)

    If you have a vehicle, make sure you choose a driver.

    Warnings will appear if you apply people, vehicles or equipment that are unsuitable for the booking.

Filtering Resources

A filter for resource type is available at the top of the resource section, allowing you to select the specific resource type you need.

Show and Hide Filters

The booking board will display only the appropriate and available resources that meet the job requirements. For instance, if a specific qualification is needed for a job, only resources with that qualification will be shown.

You can use the Show/Hide filter to override this.

Day and Night Filters

You can switch between day and night to search for resources available during either the day or night shifts.


Filter by tags you have created in the system.


Filter based on what depot the resource belongs to.

Specialisation Filter

Easily select a specialization to display only resources that have the relevant qualification.

Distance Filter and Hour Filter

Adjust the filtering criteria to sort resources based on their distance from the site and the number of hours they have worked in the current week.

How to Remove a Resource

If you've added a resource to a job by mistake or no longer require it, you can quickly and easily remove the resource.

  1. Click on the Resource

  2. A sidebar will appear, allowing you to make individual adjustments to the resource.

  3. Click on the Remove Button

Booking Workflow

This shows the current status of the booking, helping to track its progress from planning to completion.

Unconfirmed - This is the draft version of the booking - At this stage, you can make changes, such as adding or removing items, without sending notifications to anyone.

Confirmed - The job is confirmed to proceed, and you can still make edits to the resources at this stage.

Locked - Resources are locked, and notifications are sent to individuals to accept or decline the job request.

Conflict - This means that an employee has declined the job request, and you need to replace them by adding a different resource to the booking.

Green to Go (GTG) - All individuals have confirmed the job request, and the job is ready to proceed.

Completed - 24 hours have passed since the job's start time, but the job dockets have not been signed off yet.

Finalised - The booking has been completed, and the job dockets have been signed off by the office staff.

Cancelled - Booking was cancelled outside of the cancelation window.

Late Cancel - The booking was cancelled within the late cancellation window.

Changing a Person's Start and Finish Time

When creating a booking, it is assumed that all resources will start and finish at the designated booking time. However, if a person needs to start late or finish early, you can make individual adjustments to their start and finish times.

How to change a persons start and finish time

  1. Select the Booking

  2. Select the Person you want to change the time for by clicking on their name

  3. A sidebar will appear - click on the Change button (this will open up a pop-up where you can make changes to a person's booking configurations)

  4. Change the Scheduled Start Time and Scheduled Finish Time

  5. Click Update

Resending Job Request

Identifying where someone has accepted a job

Before resending a request, verify if a person has already accepted the job.

You can check this next to the person's name on the booking. A green tick indicates they have accepted the shift, while a question mark means the job request is still pending.

How to resend a job request

  1. Select the Booking

  2. Click on the Person (A sidebar will appear where you can make individual changes to a person)

  3. Select Resend Req button (this will prompt a resend)

Remember: You can follow the history of your job requests and responses at any time in the history tab

Manually Confirming Availability of a Resource

Once a booking is locked in, the resource is sent a text or email requesting them to accept or decline the job. If you already know the resource is available, you can manually confirm their availability in the system.

How to manually confirm a job request

  1. Select the Booking

  2. Click on the Person (A sidebar will appear where you can make individual changes to a person)

  3. Click Confirm (this will prompt a confirmation)

Manually Create Job Docket

When a job is completed, the workers in the field will submit a job docket. If a job docket is not filled out, you can manually create one in the system.

How to manually create a job docket

  1. Click on the Booking

  2. Select Details

  3. Select the Dockets tab

  4. Click +New Docket

  5. Fill in the docket details

  6. Click Create

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