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Automatically Generated Employee ID's
Automatically Generated Employee ID's

This article describes how to configure Traffio to automatically generate employee ID's for newly created people.

Written by Rob
Updated over a week ago


Every person in Traffio can optionally have an 'Employee ID'. You can enter anything into this field but it should it should uniquely identify an employee. Eg: EMP-234 which uniquely identifies employee Pollyanna Braskernaut.

Traffio can automatically populate this 'Employee ID' field with a unique number when you create a new person from the Traffio interface. This artcle describes how to do this.

Enable the Functionality

Before Traffio will automatically generate employee ID's, you need to switch on the functionality.

  1. Navigate to 'My Company' in the main menu and swtich on the 'Generate employee ID's' option. You can also specify a prefix that is prepended to the automatically generated number for each employee, along with the number from which the ID's increment from.

  2. Once you have saved this screen, you will need to refresh your browser window before proceeding to the next step.

Generate an Employee ID

Now that the functionality is enabled and you've refreshed your browser window. You can create a new person from the Traffio UI.

  1. Navigate to the 'People' menu item and then click the 'New' button.

  2. Populate the person's profile as required but do not enter anything into the 'Employee ID' field. Click 'Create'.

  3. Once the person's profile has been saved, you will see the 'Employee ID' field has automatically been populated. Eg; EMP-50.

You can change this automatically generated employee ID at any time. If you need to return to the originally generated ID, click on the 'Regenerate ID' button and then click 'Save'.

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