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Everything you need to know about your employees' profiles
Creating PeopleThe guides shows you how to add employees into Traffio
Setting Employee Contact MethodThis article guides you through how to set up a employee contact method
Employment StatusThis guide explains how employment status work in Traffio
Setting Employee Access Level and PermissionsThis article goes over how to set your employees access level and permissions
Entering Employee LeaveThis article explains how to add employee leave - this is for office staff and management
Leave Submitted Through AppThis article goes over everything you need to know about leave that is submitted through the mobile app
Approving or Rejecting Leave RequestsThis article goes over how to approve or reject a leave request & what is visible to the field worker
Create a SkillThis article shows you how to create a skill
Adding Skill To PersonThis guide shows you how to apply a skill to an employee
Gender & PronounsThis guide explains how to set employee gender & pronouns
Social Inclusions and Social Inclusion GroupsThis guide explains how to manage social inclusions and how to set and track scheduling targets for projects
Automatically Generated Employee ID'sThis article describes how to configure automatic generation of employee ID's
Fatigue PoliciesThis articles goes through creating and managing fatigue policies
Setting Up BlocklistsHow to block an employee from being booked on a job with a particular client, project, client contact or employee.
Deletion of Person Skill DocumentsGuide to deleting personal information from a person's skill documents
Procurement Menu ViewThis articles goes over the different menu styles for the different procurement levels