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Task Types

What is a task type and how to use it

Traffio avatar
Written by Traffio
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Use task types to create reusable templates for tasks across different bookings.

Within a task type, you can add an item classification, which is linked to billing and allows you to charge for tasks. Since tasks are intended to be small items, you can assign only one item classification to each task type.


Task: Placing VMS Board

Task Type: VMS Board Delivery

Item Classification (Task item): Delivery of Signage

How To Create a Task Type

Task types can be linked to a billable item (an item classification) or exist independently as non-billable actions in the field. These custom templates are tailored to your business and can be used for various tasks within your operations.

Non-Billable Task Type

  1. Navigate to Tasks on the sidebar

  2. Go to Task Types tab

  3. Click +New

  4. Add the Task Type Name, Abbreviation and Colour

  5. Select if this is a Delivery or Collection activity type of task.
    ​This will determine if the field worker can add/change the resources assigned.

  6. Toggle on or off Signature as required

  7. Click Create

Note: It is recommended to organize task types with colour coding and consistent abbreviations (e.g., green for delivery tasks, orange for inspections; 2/3/4-way setups should follow consistent abbreviations like 2W-ON, 3W-ON, etc.).

Billable Task Type

The item classification must have billing enabled in order to be used as a billable task.

  1. Navigate to Admin on the sidebar

  2. Go to the Item Classifications tab

  3. Select desired Item Classification

  4. Toggle on 'Use to invoice tasks'

  5. Click Save

You can also add the item classification within the task type by clicking on the green +

To apply this to a task type:

  1. Navigate to Tasks on the sidebar

  2. Go to Task Types tab

  3. Select desired Task Type

  4. Choose Item Classification from dropdown list

  5. Click Save

Note: It is advised to organize your tasks and items into sections within the item classifications. Remember, tasks represent actions and do not include items.

Activity Types

Tasks can have two distinct activity types, Delivery or Collection:

Delivery Tasks

Allows the field worker to add or re-select the specific resource that is being distributed.


You have a truck full of signage, the equipment assigned by the office 001A is at the back of the truck. The field worker delivers sign 004B and updates the resource used.

Collection Tasks

The assigned resources are locked and the field worker is onsite to retrieve it or engage in maintenance services.


004B signage from the previous example is out in the field. The assigned worker is tasked with retrieving it and assessing if maintenance is required.

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