When creating a pay run each person's shift will be created based on the calculated EBA.
To calculate the EBA, it will run through the following rules (in order shown).
It will continue to work through the list until the rule matches the shift. Once matched, it will override the default EBA selected on the payroll cost centre and use the EBA in the rule.
The EBA will be calculated based on the following order:
1. Employee EBA
This is the EBA assigned to an individual employee.
To assign
Navigate to the 'Payroll' menu on the left-hand side.
Select 'Employee Payroll' tab at the top.
Select the employee you would like to add an EBA too.
Select an EBA from the dropdown menu
Select Save.
If an employee is assigned an EBA, this EBA will always be used in the person's shift in the pay run. No other rules will be considered.
2. Specialisation + Employment type + Project
Create an EBA rule based on the specialisation of the booking person, the employment type of the person, and the project from the booking.
For example, you may have...
Rule logic
IF you have created a pay run with the payroll cost centre that contains the eba rule
AND a person is a Traffic Controller on the booking,
AND their profile lists them as a full-time employee type,
AND the project on the booking is Gigaclub,
THEN use EBA 2
3. Specialisation + Employment type + Client
Create an EBA rule based on the specialisation of the booking person, the employment type of the person, and the client from the booking.
For example, you may have...
Rule logic
IF you have created a pay run with the payroll cost centre that contains the eba rule
AND a person is a Traffic Controller on the booking,
AND their profile lists them as a full-time employee type,
AND the project on the booking is Abata,
THEN use EBA 3
4. Specialisation
Create an EBA rule based on the specialisation of the booking person.
For example, you may have...
Rule logic
IF you have created a pay run with the payroll cost centre that contains the eba rule
AND a person is a Traffic Controller on the booking,
THEN use EBA 4
5. Booking Depot
Create an EBA rule based on the depot of the booking.
For example, you may have...
Rule logic
IF you have created a pay run with the payroll cost centre that contains the eba rule
AND the depot is Mydo on the booking,
THEN use EBA 5
6. Default EBA selected in the payroll cost centre
If the above rules do not match the person's shift, it will default to the eba chosen in the payroll cost centre.