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Payroll Cost Centre - EBA Rules
Payroll Cost Centre - EBA Rules

This article explains how the EBA rules impact the payroll cost centre

Traffio avatar
Written by Traffio
Updated over 2 weeks ago

When creating a pay run, each person’s shift will be generated based on the calculated EBA.

To calculate the EBA, the system will go through the following rules (in the order shown):

It will continue processing the rules until one matches the shift. Once a match is found, it will override the default EBA selected for the payroll cost centre and apply the EBA from the rule.

1. Employee EBA

This is the EBA assigned to an individual employee.

To assign an EBA to an employee:

  1. Navigate to Payroll on the sidebar

  2. Select the Employee Payroll tab

  3. Select the desired Employee

  4. Select the desired EBA from the dropdown menu

  5. Click Save

If an employee is assigned an EBA, that EBA will always be applied to the person’s shift in the pay run, and no other rules will be considered.

2. Specialisation + Employment Type + Project

Create an EBA rule based on a person’s specialisation, employment type, and the project from the booking.

For example, you may have:

IF a pay run is created with a payroll cost centre containing the EBA rule,
AND the person is a Traffic Controller
AND their profile shows they are a full-time employee,
AND there is a booking project
THEN apply desired EBA

3. Specialisation + Employment Type + Client

Create an EBA rule based on the specialisation of the booking person, the employment type of the person, and the client from the booking.

For example, you may have:

IF a pay run is created with a payroll cost centre containing the EBA rule,

AND a person is a Traffic Controller,

AND their profile lists them as a full-time employee type,

AND there is a specific Client on the booking,

THEN apply desired EBA

4. Specialisation

Create an EBA rule based on the specialisation of the booking person.

For example, you may have:

IF a pay run is created with a payroll cost centre containing the EBA rule,

AND a person is a Traffic Controller,

THEN use desired EBA

5. Booking Depot

Create an EBA rule based on the depot of the booking.

For example, you may have:

IF a pay run is created with a payroll cost centre containing the EBA rule,

AND there is a specific depot,

THEN apply desired EBA

6. Default EBA selected in the payroll cost centre

If the above rules do not match the person's shift, it will default to the EBA chosen in the payroll cost centre.

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