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Creating a Task
Creating a Task

This article shows how to create a task

Traffio avatar
Written by Traffio
Updated over a month ago

Tasks are a way to manage jobs involving equipment placed in the field and maintained throughout the booking. Tasks are always linked to a booking and cannot be created without one. This means the task’s date range is confined to the duration of the booking.

The simplest way of creating a task is to:

  1. Navigate to Bookings on the sidebar

  2. Select Details of desired booking

  3. Select the Tasks tab

  4. Click +New

Once you have clicked +New button, you will be presented with a screen allowing you to fill in all of the details about your new task.
This screen is broken down into four sections:

  1. Client & Booking Information

    This section displays the client, project, and booking for which the task is being created. Click any of the view buttons to access the full details of each.

  2. Task Information

    This section outlines the type of work to be performed for the task, including the task type, description, and the required number of people. You can also toggle the option if the task is non-billable. If the task is recurring, this information will apply to all task instances generated.

  3. Task Schedule

    This area allows you to specify when the task should be performed during the associated booking. It also gives you the option to set the task to repeat on a flexible schedule.

  4. Task Location

    This section indicates the location where the task is to be performed, and this location is consistent across all task instances generated. Toggling on the "Location is accurate and can be used for navigation" option will inform the field worker that the selected location is the precise place where the task should be carried out.

If you regularly apply the same set of tasks to certain bookings, you may want to explore the use of Booking Templates.

How To Create Task Instance Within a Booking

A task instance refers to a single occurrence of an action performed by a field worker.

Example Scenario: You receive a call and need to send someone out in order to inspect a site, but this should only take 1-2 hours. You also want to have the choice of it being billable or non-billable and you have created a task type called Site Inspection.

Solution to Example: You then create a task instance, schedule it for the inspection, and assign a field worker.

Creating a One-Off Task Instance Within Booking

  1. Navigate to Bookings on the sidebar

  2. Select the desired Booking

  3. Click the Tasks tab

  4. Click +New

  5. Select the Task Type

  6. Toggle on if the task is Non-Billable

  7. Enter Description

  8. Enter Required Amount of People required for the task

  9. Enter the Approximate Start Time and Duration (If a hire booking, you are also able to delay the start (schedule after X number of days) or schedule from the end of the booking)

  10. Click Create

From here, you will see an overview of the task, along with the task instances and any forms linked to it.

Note: the task instance has not yet been allocated or activated in this state

How To Create Recurring Set of Task Instances Within a Booking

A task can have multiple instances (occurrences) that can be assigned to one or more field workers. These are able to occur and repeat on:

  • a daily or number of days schedule (e.g. every 4 days)

  • a weekly schedule (e.g. every Monday and Friday)


  • a monthly schedule (e.g. every 1st of the month)

You can also configure the task to exclude weekends and delay the start of task instances by a specific number of days (e.g. start 5 days later) or have them begin a set number of days before the booking's end date (e.g. start 2 days before the task ends).

Example Scenario: A Company has requested a specific setup every Monday and Friday for school days - You need to schedule a team leader or manager to inspect the site on these days.

  1. Navigate to Bookings on the sidebar

  2. Select desired Booking

  3. Click Tasks

  4. Click +New

  5. Select the Task Type

  6. Toggle on if the task is Non-Billable

  7. Enter Description

  8. Enter Required Amount of People required for the task

  9. Enter the Approximate Start Time and Duration (If a hire booking, you are also able to delay the start (schedule after X number of days) or schedule from the end of the booking)

  10. Apply Exclude Weekends if applicable

  11. Toggle on 'Repeating Task'

  12. Select how the repeat is going to occur - whether it be daily or every X number of days, or weekly or monthly (on a set date).

  13. Click Create

Note: The schedule for the task instance can be modified until the task instance is confirmed.

How To View and Action Task Instances Related To a Booking

All tasks linked to a booking can be easily viewed and managed through the bookings task tab. This allows you to quickly update, modify, or take actions on multiple tasks at once, streamlining the process and saving time.

  1. Navigate to Bookings on the sidebar

  2. Select desired Booking

  3. Select the Tasks tab

  4. Tick the Checkboxes of the Tasks you want to action

  5. You will have 2 options to select from:
    A. Move selected tasks to their next status
    B. Mark selected Tasks as Non Billable

How To Delay of Reoccurring Task

If you'd like the recurrence to begin after the bookings start date, you can set a delay, allowing the recurrence pattern to start after a specified number of days.

Currently, there is no option to automatically end a recurrence earlier than the scheduled time.

Example of Delay


  • Start date: 03/06

  • End date: 10/06


  • Delay task start date by x days = 3

  • Task repeats every x days = 2

Task Instances:

  • 06/06

  • 08/06

  • 10/06

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