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Virtual Superintendent Integration

This article takes you through the steps on how to set up and use Superintendent in Traffio.

Kat McDevitt avatar
Written by Kat McDevitt
Updated over 2 months ago

Virtual Superintendent is a cloud-based application that makes it easy to understand production on site, construction project costs and health and safety. Traffio's Integration with Virtual Superintendent allows you to directly push your docket data into Virtual Superintendent.

Getting Started

In order to set up your Virtual Superintendent connection you must have an access token provided to you by Virtual Superintendent. Contact your Virtual Superintendent account manager for access.

Create a Virtual Superintendent Connection

  1. Navigate to IntegrationsConnectionsNew.

  2. Fill in the connection details:

    • Choose Virtual Superintendent from the Integration dropdown.

    • Enter the access token provided by Virtual Superintendent for your company.

    • Select the clients for whom the work dockets will be pushed to this Virtual Superintendent connection.

    • Click Save to create the connection.

Prepare Dockets for Pushing

To ensure successful docket submission, four fields are required:

  1. Purchase Order/Client Job Number on the booking detail page.

  2. Client Billing Code on the booking detail page.

  3. Client Signature (file) in the docket.

  4. Supervisor or Client Representative's Name in the docket.

Automatic Push and Manual Push

  • Automatic Push: Dockets are pushed automatically when they are signed off. If all required fields are completed before pushing, the docket data is successfully sent to Virtual Superintendent. A label, “Pushed to Virtual Superintendent”, will appear below the docket number.

  • Manual Push: If the docket is unsigned or a required field is missing, preventing a successful push after signing off, a button will be available to push individual dockets manually.

If you need to make amendments to a docket that you have already pushed. You can repush to Virtual Superintendent and it will update the docket on Virtual Superintendent.

Data that Virtual Superintendent accepts

  • Date - Date the timesheet is created for. (Required)

  • Booking Number - Booking number for this timesheet. (Required)

  • Booking Address - Site location for this timesheet. (Required)

  • Job Number - Job number for this timesheet. (Required)

  • Job Status - Job status. (Required)

  • Client Billing Code - Order reference from the client. (Required)

  • Client Order Number - Billing Code from the client. (Required)

  • Docket Number - Docket number for this timesheet. (Required)

  • Supervisor - Site supervisor for this timesheet. (Required)

  • Internal Signoff - Whether the timesheet has final internal sign-off by the supplier in Traffio. In Virtual Superintendent any dockets created will remain in the 'draft' state until this flag to set. Once this flag is set to true it will be submitted for approval by the head contractor (Required)

  • Equipment - Equipment included in this timesheet

  • Vehicle - Vehicles included in this timesheet.

  • People - People included in this timesheet.

  • Remarks - Free form text field for storing extra information about this timesheet.

  • Supervisor Site Sign-off - Site supervisor for this timesheet.

  • Supervisor Remote Sign-off Time - Time the site supervisor signed off on this timesheet remotely.

  • Supervisor Site Sign-off Time - Time the site supervisor signed off on this timesheet on site.

  • Supervisor Remote Sign-off - Whether the site supervisor has signed off on this timesheet remotely.

  • Files - Date the timesheet is created for.

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