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Viewing your job history
Viewing your job history
Kat McDevitt avatar
Written by Kat McDevitt
Updated over a week ago

Every action made on a booking is stored in the booking history. You can see what action was made, by who and when. This gives you the power to review your own booking process and see when booking confirmations are received. Learn how to create a booking here

How to find booking history

Click on the booking and select details. When the booking details page appears, select history in the toolbar.

System messages

System messages store the history of any action made within the Traffio Webapp. The insight provided in system messages shows you exactly what actions an admin staff made to the booking. This includes the creation of the booking, adding and removing resources, changing the booking status and confirming employees via the web app.

Resource messages

Resource messages store the history of any action between the system and the resource. This provides insight into when your resources receive their communication and when they respond.

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