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Booking Board Configuration

Configuration settings for Traffio's Booking Board

Written by Nicholas inglis
Updated over a week ago

There are various ways to configure your booking board to suit your business needs.

Getting Started

To have access to changing configurations, you will need administrator access. You can learn more about roles, access levels and permissions here.

Booking Board start time limit.

Specifies the starting time for bookings to appear on the bookings board.

All bookings that overlap this start time will be included on the board. Bookings from yesterday will show if they extend past this time.

If you would like to avoid having yesterday's bookings showing up, you should choose a later time. e.g., 5 am.

Options: Midnight, 3am, 5am, 6am (default)

Booking Board finish time limit.

The booking board finish time specifies the finishing time for bookings to appear on the bookings board.

Options: Midnight, 3am, 5am, 6am (default)

The period over which a person's hours is filtered on the bookings board.

The default number of days to query across to determine how many days a person has worked consecutively.

Time for tight shifts configurations

How much gap between jobs before they get tight for a vehicle

This configuration refers to the time threshold for a vehicle between two shifts before the system warns you of a potential booking conflict due to a tight gap between jobs.

How much gap between jobs before they get tight for equipment

This configuration refers to the time threshold for equipment between two shifts before the system warns you of a potential booking conflict due to a tight gap between jobs.

How much gap between jobs before they get tight for people

This configuration refers to the time threshold for a person between two shifts before the system warns you of a potential booking conflict due to a tight gap between jobs.

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