There are several ways to configure your booking board to align with your business requirements. You can adjust settings to ensure it works efficiently for your team.
To have access to changing configurations, you will need administrator access. You can learn more about roles, access levels and permissions here.
Auto-confirm allocated people
When enabled, people are automatically confirmed when allocated to bookings.
Booking Board finish time limit
Specifies the finish time for bookings to appear on the bookings board.
Booking Board start time limit
Specifies the start time for bookings to appear on the bookings board.
Consecutive working days period
This defines the default number of days to be considered when determining how many consecutive days a person has worked.
Dayshift ends at
Ending point of time that is counted as dayshift and the point of time that nightshift starts
Dayshift starts at
Beginning point of time that is counted as dayshift
Equipment conflict margin
This configuration refers to the time threshold for equipment between two shifts before the system warns you of a potential booking conflict due to a tight gap between jobs.
Person conflict margin
This configuration refers to the time threshold for a person between two shifts before the system warns you of a potential booking conflict due to a tight gap between jobs.
Person hours worked filter period
The period over which a person's hours is filtered on the bookings board.
Show booking requirements on tiles
Controls whether booking requirements are visible on booking tiles
Show hire block requirements on tiles
Controls whether hire block requirements are visible on hire block tiles
Show preferred/friendly names on booking board
Shows a person's preferred name and vehicle's friendly name on the booking board and resource picker when available. Otherwise defaults back to the usual description.
Vehicle conflict margin
This configuration refers to the time threshold for a vehicle between two shifts before the system warns you of a potential booking conflict due to a tight gap between jobs.