Once a client contact accepts an invitation to connect with your business in the client portal, they will be able to view all shared data between your two businesses within their portal.
To learn how to invite a client contact to the client portal, click here.
How To Revoke Client Contact Access to Client Portal
Navigate to Clients on the sidebar
Select the desired Client
Click the Contacts tab
Select the desired Contact
Click Block from Client Portal
Blocking will unlink the client contact from their client portal user account, preventing them from accessing your company’s data in the client portal. Additionally, the client contact will no longer receive automated email invitations to connect in the client portal (if auto-invitations are enabled).
How To Unblock a Client Contact From The Client Portal
Navigate to Clients on the sidebar
Select the desired Client
Click the Contacts tab
Select the desired Contact
Click Unblock from Client Portal
You can now send a new invitation to the client contact to connect to the client portal. If auto-invitations are enabled, they will also receive these invitation links in booking, invoice, and docket emails.
Updating Client Contact Details
If a Client Contact updates their contact details in their Client Portal user account and it no longer matches the values you have stored, you will notice an info message appear beneath the affected text fields.
E.g.: "This phone number does not match the phone number in the contact's client portal account: 0423456789"
We don't force update these changes but instead let you review and update them if desired.