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Non Driver Allowance

This article goes over the non-driver travel allowance within an EBA

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Written by Traffio
Updated over a week ago

In Traffio, allowances are calculated independently of the employee’s hourly salary rates and are treated as an extra value.

On the EBA detail page, scroll down to the table labelled ‘Rates & Allowances Display Columns.’

When you activate the "non-driver travel allowance" toggle, a settings block will appear at the bottom.

Non Driver Travel Allowance Dropdown Menu

Dropdown Options

No One

No one gets this travel allowance


Everyone gets this travel allowance

Non Drivers

Only non-drivers get this travel allowance
A person is considered a driver if the "Driver" button is selected in the booking.

Non Drivers without take home vehicle

Non-drivers get this travel allowance if they don't have a take home vehicle (incl. vehicles not used on the job)

Non take home and not drivers or passenger

No take home vehicle, and not a driver or passenger

Common Terms Used

Take Home

A person is considered to have a "take-home vehicle" if a vehicle is assigned to their profile. This applies even if the vehicle is not assigned to the booking.

Non Take Home

A person is considered "non take home" if they do not have a vehicle assigned to their profile. The vehicle does not need to be assigned to the booking for this to apply.


A person is considered a driver if the "Driver" button is selected in the booking.


A person is considered a passenger if they are listed under a vehicle in the booking tile on the booking board.


Not a passenger:


'STS' straight-to-site

A person is considered straight-to-site if the "STS" button is selected in the booking.

Non Driver Travel Allowance is Per Hour

The travel allowance starts as a single value, either 0.00 or 1.00. You can manually adjust this amount in the "manually set rates" menu during the pay run.

If the 'Travel allowance is per hour' toggle is enabled, the travel allowance will be calculated based on the total shift hours.

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