Contains articles relating to the EBA tab under the Payroll menu
EBA OverviewThis article provides an overview for EBA details and types
Start and Finish Shift ConfigurationsThis article explains how the start and finish shift configurations work
Payroll Category OverridesThis article explains the settings for the payroll category overrides section on the EBA tab
Traditional Award
Contains articles regarding the traditional award EBA
Timeframe (Traditional Award)Explains the timeframe section within an EBA on traditional award
Week breakdown (Traditional Award)This page describes the week breakdown section in the EBA detail page when "Traditional Award" is selected as the EBA type.
Payable Hours (Traditional Award)Describes the payable hours section on a traditional award EBA
Payroll Shift Types (Traditional Award)This article describes the different payroll shift types and how they work
Shift Split Options (Traditional Award)Explains the different settings in the shift split options within the traditional award
Alternate Shift Options (Traditional Award)Explains the alternate shift options within an EBA on traditional award
Modern Award
Contains articles relating to modern award EBA
Timeframe (Modern Award)Explains the timeframe section within an EBA on modern award
Payable Hours (Modern Award)Describes the payable hours section on a modern award EBA
Payroll Shift Types (Modern Award)This article describes the different payroll shift types on a modern award
Alternate Shift Options (Modern Award)Explains the alternate shift options within an EBA on modern award
Optional allowances under each EBA
Travel AllowanceThis article goes over the travel allowance within an EBA
Non Driver AllowanceThis article goes over the non-driver travel allowance within an EBA
Meal AllowanceThis article goes over the meal allowance within an EBA
First Aid AllowanceThis article goes over the First Aid allowance in the EBA
RDO AllowanceThis article goes over the RDO allowance within an EBA
Travel Time AllowanceThis article goes over the travel time allowance in the EBA
Travel Distance AllowanceThis article goes over the travel distance allowance within an EBA
Site AllowanceThis article explains the site allowance functionality for payroll
Mobile Site Distance & Vehicle Type AllowancesThis article goes over the mobile site distance & vehicle type allowances within an EBA
Leading Hand & Employment Type AllowancesThis article goes over the leading hand & employment type allowances in the EBA