Payroll RDO

This article goes over the RDO feature within the payroll cost centre.

Written by Shenai
Updated over a week ago

Within the Payroll Cost Centre companies are able to set their business's RDO rules. Currently, this RDO calculation is independent of other calculations so it will not automatically take away from an employee's ordinary hours, it acts as a guide of how much an employee has accrued that week towards an RDO.

Once a shift hits the RDO threshold, the RDO amount will be added to the RDO column within the rates section of a payrun. For a week these amounts will add together for the week and go towards a RDO.

How to set up RDO rules

  1. Navigate to Payroll

  2. Select Payroll Cost Centres on the top tab bar

  3. Choose the cost centre you'd like to add the rules to

  4. Scroll down in the overview until you get to the RDO rules section

  5. Toggle on Use RDO

  6. Enter RDO threshold

  7. Enter RDO accrued amount once hit that threshold

  8. Scroll down further to the Earning Items section

  9. Toggle on RDO

  10. Save

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