Based on the rules and settings of the assigned ‘Payroll Shift Type’, Traffio will breakdown the total shift hours into the different 'Payable Hours'. This allows you to pay an employee different rates throughout a shift (e.g. ordinary hours plus overtime hours).
A person's shift is divided into different payable hours. Each payable hour can be linked to a different pay rate in your accounting software, allowing you to pay different rates for the same shift.
For example, you can pay one rate for 'Ordinary hours' and a different rate for 'Overtime hours' in the same shift.
Payable Hours
Day Ordinary
Day Overtime
Day Extra Overtime
Afternoon Ordinary
Afternoon Overtime
Night Ordinary
Night Overtime
Consecutive Afternoon Ordinary
Consecutive Afternoon Overtime
Consecutive Night Ordinary
Consecutive Night Overtime
Saturday Ordinary *
Sunday Ordinary *
Public Holiday Ordinary *
Public Holiday
* Optional
Hour Limits
You can set an hour limit for certain 'Payable Hours' to determine when to switch to another 'Payable Hour'.
For example, if a shift exceeds the 'Day Overtime' limit, the 'Day Extra Overtime' will apply to the remaining hours.
Note: Day Overtime payable hours have two "hours limit" options
"Day Overtime hrs limit"
"Saturday 'Day Overtime' hrs limit override"
By default, the "Day Overtime hrs limit" is used but on Saturdays, this field is overridden by the limit set in "Saturday 'Day Overtime' hrs limit override".
Optional Payable Hours
Saturday Ordinary
When Enabled:
Saturday shift hours will be allocated to 'Saturday Ordinary' hours up to the "Sat ordinary hrs limit," then to 'Day Overtime' hours until the "Saturday Day Overtime hrs limit override" is reached. Any remaining hours will be assigned to 'Day Extra Overtime' hours.
The 'Saturday first hours only applies before 12 noon' toggle can be used when enabled.
When enabled, the first hours before 12 noon, up to the "Saturday 'Day Overtime' hrs limit override," will be counted as 'Day Overtime' hours. Hours after this limit or shifts starting after 12 noon will be counted as 'Day Extra Overtime' hours.
When Disabled:
Saturday shift hours will be assigned to 'Day Overtime' up to the "Saturday 'Day Overtime' hrs limit override," with the remaining hours going to 'Day Extra Overtime'.
The 'Saturday first hours only applies during daylight hours' toggle can also be used when disabled.
When enabled, the first hours set in "Saturday 'Day Overtime' hrs limit override" between the "Day start" and "Night start" times will be counted as 'Day Overtime' hours. Hours outside of this timeframe or after the limit will be counted as 'Day Extra Overtime' hours.
Note: If 'Limit Ordinary hours per pay period' is enabled and the 'max Ordinary hours' is reached, the 'Saturday Ordinary' hours will not be used.
Sunday Ordinary
When Enabled:
Sunday shift hours will be assigned to 'Sunday Ordinary' up to the "Sun ordinary hrs limit," with the remaining hours going to 'Day Extra Overtime'.
When Disabled:
Sunday shifts will assign all hours to 'Day Extra Overtime'.
Note: If 'Limit Ordinary hours per pay period' is enabled and the 'max Ordinary hours' is reached, the 'Sunday Ordinary' hours will not be applied.
Public Holiday Ordinary
When Enabled:
Public Holiday shift hours will be assigned to 'Public Holiday Ordinary' up to the "Phol. ordinary hrs limit," with the remaining hours going to 'Public Holiday' hours.
When Disabled:
Public Holiday shifts will assign all hours to 'Public Holiday' hours.
Note: If 'Limit Ordinary hours per pay period' is enabled and the 'max Ordinary hours' is reached, the 'Public Holiday Ordinary' hours will not be applied.
How does Traffio split a shift into each 'Payable Hour'?
Traffio calculates how many hours should be assigned to each payable hour based on:
The payroll shift type assigned
The shift start time and whether it falls within the day or night timeframe
The selected week breakdown
Any other enabled settings (e.g., Limit Ordinary hours)
Each payroll shift type uses 'Payable Hours' differently. Click here to learn more about payroll shift types.
Linking Payable Hours to your Pay Rates in Accounting Software
You can link your own pay rates to these Traffio 'Payable Hours' per 'Payroll Category' in the 'Earnings Rates' tab of the Payroll Cost Centre.
In the screenshot example, we have the 'Payroll Categories' "Traffic Controller A.1" and "Traffic Controller A.2."
As shown, the list of 'Payable Hours' is repeated for each 'Payroll Category'.