When the EBA type "Traditional Award" is selected, by default shifts are either:
Day Shift
Night Shift
Saturday Shift
Sunday Shift
Public Holiday
This section allows you to add additional shift types:
Earning Morning Shift
Weekday Shift (Split Day/Night)
Simple Split Setting
Use 'Day shift' & 'Night shift' in timeframe (AKA Fudge Factor)
Use Double Time Override Shift
Use Call Back Shift
Use 5 Night Shift
Don't Deduct Break from Night Shifts
Day Shift
By default, if a shift is not on Saturday, Sunday, or a Public Holiday, and it starts within the day timeframe, it will be assigned the Day shift type.
The Day shift type uses three different day rates:
Day Ordinary
Day Overtime
Day Extra Overtime
The rate paid depends on the hourly limits set for the day.
You can customise when a different rate is applied by setting the 'Day ordinary hours limit' and the 'Day overtime hours limit'.
Note: When a 'Day shift' payroll shift type is assigned, it will only use Day payable hours, even if a shift starts in the Day timeframe and finishes in the Night timeframe.
Day payable hours = Day Ordinary, Day Overtime, and Day Extra Overtime.
Example (not Saturday or Sunday)
Example (not Saturday or Sunday)
Day ordinary hours limit = 8.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
For shifts during the 'Day shift' time:
The first 8 hours will be paid at the 'Day ordinary' rate.
The next 2 hours will be paid at the 'Day overtime' rate.
Any additional hours will be paid at the 'Day extra overtime' rate.
Example Shift
Day start = 06:00
Day end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 8.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Start = 06:00
End = 17:00
06:00 - 14:00 (first 8 hours) = 'Day Ordinary' rate
14:00 - 16:00 (next 2 hours) = 'Day Overtime' rate
16:00 - 17:00 (remaining hours) = 'Day Extra Overtime' rate
Night Shift
By default, shifts that start within the night timeframe on weekdays (not Saturday, Sunday, or a Public Holiday) are assigned the Night shift type.
The Night shift type uses three different rates:
'Night Ordinary'
'Night Overtime'
'Night Extra Overtime'
The rate paid depends on the hourly limits set for the night.
To customise when a different rate applies, set the 'Night ordinary hours limit' and 'Night overtime hours limit'.
Note: When a 'Night shift' payroll shift type is assigned, it will only use Night payable hours, even if a shift starts in the Night timeframe and finishes in the Day timeframe.
Night payable hours = Night Ordinary, Night Overtime, and Night Extra Overtime.
Example (not Saturday or Sunday)
Example (not Saturday or Sunday)
Night ordinary hours limit = 2.00
Night overtime hours limit = 6.00
Shifts within the 'Night shift' time frame will be paid as follows:
The first 2 hours will be paid at the 'Night ordinary' rate.
The next 6 hours will be paid at the 'Night overtime' rate.
Any hours after that will be paid at the 'Night extra overtime' rate.
Example Shift
Night start = 18:00
Night end = 05:00
Night ordinary hours limit = 2.00
Night overtime hours limit = 6.00
Start = 18:00
End = 03:00
18:00 - 20:00 (first 2 hours) = 'Night Ordinary' rate
20:00 - 02:00 (next 6 hours) = 'Night Overtime' rate
02:00 - 03:00 (remaining hours) = 'Night Extra Overtime' rate
Saturday Shift
When a shift falls on Saturday, it will be assigned the Saturday shift type.
This is determined by the day of the week and does not take into account the "Week Breakdown" selection.
The Saturday shift type uses two different day rates:
'Day Overtime'
'Day Extra Overtime'
The rate paid depends on the hourly limit for that day.
Set the 'Day overtime hours limit' to customise when a different rate is paid.
Saturday shifts will skip the 'Day Ordinary' rate and only use the 'Day Overtime' rate and 'Day Extra Overtime' rate.
Day start = 06:00
Day end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 5.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Start = 14:00
End = 22:00
14:00 - 16:00 (next 2 hours) = 2 x 'Day Overtime' rate
16:00 - 22:00 (remaining 6 hours) = 6 x 'Day Extra Overtime' rate
Note: Saturday shifts do not use any night rates.
⚠️ If the 'Use Saturday Ordinary rate & hours' is toggled on, the allocation of rates will be altered, see the 'Payable Hours' help article for further information.
Sunday Shift
When a shift falls on Sunday, it will be assigned the Sunday shift type.
This is determined by the day of the week and does not take into account the "Week Breakdown" selection.
The Sunday shift type uses one day rate:
'Day Extra Overtime'
Sunday shifts will skip the 'Day Ordinary' rate and the 'Day Overtime' rate, only using the 'Day Extra Overtime' rate.
Day start = 06:00
Day end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 5.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Start = 14:00
End = 22:00
14:00 - 22:00 (all hours) = 8 x 'Day Extra Overtime' rate
Note: Sunday shifts do not use any night rates.
⚠️ If the 'Use Sunday Ordinary rate & hours' is toggled on, the allocation of rates will be altered, see the 'Payable Hours' help article for further information.
Public Holiday Shift
Public holidays are defined by Traffio.
You can find a list of public holidays under your depot:
Navigate to My Company on the sidebar
Select the Depots tab
Select the desired Depot
Select the Public holidays tab
Public holidays are assigned based on the state defined in the depot. A shift is automatically assigned a public holiday shift when it matches a date in the public holiday list of the booking depot.
Currently, you must have the 'Public Holiday' toggle turned on in the Payable Hours & Allowances Display Columns section.
Rates used with 'Public Holiday' only
All hours of the shift will be paid at the 'Public Holiday' rate, regardless of whether they occur during the day or night timeframe.
Rates used with 'Public Holiday Ordinary' and 'Public Holiday'
Shifts will be paid as follows:
The 'Public Holiday Ordinary' rate for the hours within the 'Phol. ordinary hrs limit'.
Any hours beyond that will be paid at the 'Public Holiday Overtime' rate.
Early Morning Shift
When selected, 'Early Morning' shifts will be paid at the 'Day Overtime' rate from the time set in 'Early Morning shift start' to the time set in 'Day start'.
Note: The 'Early Morning shift end' field is disabled because it uses the 'Day start' time.
If the shift extends beyond this timeframe, it will follow the day shift timeframe and hour limits to allocate the relevant day rate.
Example Shift
Early Morning shift start = 04:00
Day start = 06:00
Day end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 8.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Start = 04:00
End = 17:00
04:00 - 06:00 = 'Day Overtime' rate
06:00 - 14:00 = 'Day Ordinary' rate
14:00 - 16:00 = 'Day Overtime' rate
16:00 - 17:00 = 'Day Extra Overtime' rate
'Day Ordinary' = 8 hours (06:00 - 14:00)
'Day Overtime' = 4 hours (2 hours from 04:00 - 06:00 + 2 hours from 14:00 - 16:00)
'Day Extra Overtime' = 1 hour (16:00 - 17:00)
Weekday Shift (Split Day/Night)
When the 'Weekday shift' is inactive, pay runs will use either the day shift or night shift. This means that even if a shift starts in the Day timeframe and ends in the Night timeframe, it will still be considered a Day shift, with all hours allocated to Day Ordinary, Day Overtime, and Day Extra Overtime.
To use both Day and Night payable hours, enable the 'Use Weekday shift (Split Day/Night)' option. This will allow Traffio to calculate the payroll shift as a 'Weekday shift' instead of just 'Day shift' or 'Night shift'.
How it works
Day to Night
If a shift starts in the day and finishes at night, it will use Day Ordinary, Day Overtime, and Day Extra Overtime based on the hourly limits. Once the shift moves into the Night timeframe, the remaining hours will be assigned to Night hours, using the day hours already worked to calculate the night limits.
Day start = 06:00
Day end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 5.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Night start = 18:00
Night end = 06:00
Night ordinary hours limit = 2.00
Night overtime hours limit = 6.00
Start = 12:00
End = 20:00
When the 'Weekday shift' is active:
Day Ordinary = 5 hours (12:00 - 17:00)
Day Overtime = 1 hour (17:00 - 18:00)
Night Overtime = 2 hours (18:00 - 20:00)
When using Day Shift ('Weekday shift' is inactive):
Day Ordinary = 5 hours (12:00 - 17:00)
Day Overtime = 2 hours (17:00 - 19:00)
Day Extra Overtime = 1 hour (19:00 - 20:00)
Start = 17:00
End = 02:00
When the 'Weekday shift' is active:
Day Ordinary = 1 hour (17:00 - 18:00)
Night Ordinary = 1 hour (17:00 - 18:00)
Night Overtime = 3 hours (18:00 - 21:00)
Night Extra Overtime = 4 hours (21:00 - 02:00)
When using Day Shift ('Weekday shift' is inactive):
Day Ordinary = 5 hours (17:00 - 22:00)
Day Overtime = 2 hours (22:00 - 24:00)
Day Extra Overtime = 2 hours (24:00 - 02:00)
Night to Day
If a shift starts at night and finishes during the day, it will use Night Ordinary, Night Overtime, and Night Extra Overtime based on the hourly limits. Once the shift moves into the Day timeframe, the remaining hours will be allocated to Day hours, using the night hours already worked to calculate the day limits.
Day shift start = 06:00
Day shift end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 5.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Night shift start = 18:00
Night shift end = 06:00
Night ordinary hours limit = 2.00
Night overtime hours limit = 6.00
Start = 22:00
End = 07:00
When the 'Weekday shift' is active:
Night Ordinary = 2 hours (22:00 - 00:00)
Night Overtime = 6 hours (00:00 - 06:00)
Day Extra Overtime = 1 hour (06:00 - 07:00)
When using Night Shift ('Weekday shift' is inactive):
Night Ordinary = 2 hours
Night Overtime = 6 hours
Night Extra Overtime = 1 hour
Simple Split Setting
⚠️ Simple split shifts are only available when using 'Weekday shifts'.
When inactive, shifts that start in the Day timeframe and finish in the Night timeframe will use all Day rates, then switch to the Night Overtime rate (and vice versa).
To use both Day and Night rates fully, toggle on the 'Simple Split Setting'.
Example - Day to Night
Example - Day to Night
Day start = 06:00
Day end = 18:00
Day ordinary hours limit = 5.00
Day overtime hours limit = 2.00
Night start = 18:00
Night end = 06:00
Night ordinary hours limit = 2.00
Night overtime hours limit = 6.00
Start = 12:00
End = 22:00
When the 'Weekday shift' is active AND Simple Split Setting is active:
Day Ordinary = 5 hours (12:00 - 17:00)
Day Overtime = 1 hour (17:00 - 18:00)
Night Ordinary = 2 hours (18:00 - 20:00)
Night Overtime = 2 hours (20:00 - 22:00)
When the 'Weekday shift' is active but Simple Split Setting is inactive:
Day Ordinary = 5 hours (12:00 - 17:00)
Day Overtime = 1 hour (17:00 - 18:00)
Night Overtime = 4 hours (18:00 - 22:00)
Use 'Day shift' & 'Night shift' in timeframe (AKA Fudge Factor)
'Weekday' payroll shift types will be replaced with 'Day' or 'Night' payroll shift types if the shift start time falls within specific hours.
Shifts starting between the 'Day only after' and 'Day only before' times will be assigned a 'Day' payroll shift type.
Shifts starting after the 'Night only after' time will be assigned a 'Night' payroll shift type.
Shifts starting between the 'Day only before' and 'Night only after' times will remain a 'Weekday' payroll shift type.
Use Double Time Override Shift
A 'Double Time Override' shift will not be selected automatically.
If enabled, you can manually set the shift to the 'Double Time Override' payroll shift type in the pay run.
When the 'Double Time Override' payroll shift type is selected, all shift hours will be paid at the 'Day Extra Overtime' rate.
Note: Night payable hours are not used
Use Call Back Shift
A 'Call Back' shift will not be selected automatically.
If enabled, you can manually set the shift to the 'Call Back' payroll shift type in the pay run.
When the 'Call Back' payroll shift type is selected, hours will be allocated to 'Day Overtime' until the limit set in "Limit of 'Overtime' hours" is reached. Any remaining hours will then be placed into 'Day Extra Overtime'.
A call back occurs when an employee is called back to work after already finishing for the day.
Note: Night payable hours are not used
Use 5 Night Shift
A 'Use 5 Night Shift' shift will not be selected automatically.
When enabled, shifts with the same EBA in a pay period, where five consecutive nights are worked, will be classified as '5 Night' shifts.
5 Night Shifts will bypass the 'Night Ordinary hrs limit' and use the '5 Night Ordinary Hours'.
The first hours within the '5 Night Ordinary hours limit' will count as 'Night Ordinary' hours, with the remaining hours as 'Night Extra Overtime'.
Shifts are included in the 5-night calculation if the payroll shift type is 'Night shift' or 'Weekday shift'.
Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holiday shifts count towards the 5 consecutive nights but keep their original payroll shift types.
Don't Deduct Break from Night Shifts
A 'Don't Deduct Break from Night Shifts' shift will not be selected automatically.
When enabled, this will ensure that breaks are not deducted from a 'night shift'.
If the shift is considered a 'night' shift (usually from 6 pm to 6 am), no break deduction (e.g., 0.5 hours) will apply.
For example, on a day shift, working 6 hours would mean 5.5 hours of pay. On a night shift, you get the full 6 hours of pay.
If the settings allow a mix of night and day shifts, the break will be deducted only from the day part of the shift.
But, if the rule is set to "If you start a shift at night, it's always considered night," then no break will be deducted, as the entire shift is treated as night hours.